Southern Oklahoma
Heathcare Careers
How to Become a Psychiatrist?
Psychiatrist are trained in Medicine and Mental Health.
Psychiatrist diagnose, treat, and prevent mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders with a variety of modalities.
Education: Complete medical school and a 4 years of residency program.
American Board of Psychology and Neurology-Board Certification
Average Salary: $160,000 - $300,000
Projected 10 year job growth 9% between 2021-2031.
Do you want to become a Psychologist?
Psychologist are trained in
Mental Health
Psychologist help with a wide variety of problems that interfere with their patients lives, such as feelings of depression, anger and anxiety.
Education: Doctorate Degree, internship
Must pass national exam and earn continuing education credits.
Oklahoma State University Clinical Psychology, PH.D.
Average Salary: $68,000.00-$150,000.00
Projected 10 year job growth rate 6% between 2021-2031.
Learn more about Becoming a
Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor
Substance Abuse Counselor's supports and advises individuals with alcohol, tobacco, drug, or other problems such as gambling or eating disorders. Develop treatment and recovery plans and identify behaviors that may impede rehabilitation.
Education: Bachelors degree or Masters Degree
Must pass Licensure exam.
University of Central Oklahoma
Average Salary: $55,000
Projected 10 year job growth rate 22% between 2021-2031.
Become a
Licensed Professional Counselor
LPC's work with a client centered approach to help support mental health, substance abuse, emotional disorders and behavioral issues including addictive disorders. Can include marriage or family counseling as well.
Education: Masters degree in Counseling with post graduate internships.
Must pass the NCE - National Counselor Examination.
Average Salary: $68,000.00
Projected 10 year job growth 14% between 2021-2031.
How to become a
Licensed Clinical Social Worker LISW
LCSW's assists clients with finding and accessing social and health resources to enhance overall well-being and promote quality of life. They are eligible for private practice
Education: Masters degree in Social Work with post graduate internships.
Must pass Licensure exam
Average Salary: $55,000-$75,000.
Projected 10 year job growth 9% between 2021-2031.
Become a
Behavioral/Mental Health Technicians
Behavioral/Mental Health Technicians provide a Behavioral Management Plan under the direction of the Project Director that includes communication skills, self help, and daily living skills such as eating, bathing and getting dressed.
Education: High School Diploma or equivalent in Oklahoma
Average Salary: $30,000.00
Projected 10 year job growth 9% between 2021-2031.
Learn more about
Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychologist provides you with a blend of psychological education and legal knowledge as a diverse career pathway.
Education: Masters Degree and training.
University of Central Oklahoma
Average Salary: $50,000-$130,000
Projected 10 year job growth 8% between 2021-2031.